Growing hair rapidly is an annoying experience, especially when it seems to be taking forever. For a blessed few, desirably long hair just happens and for the rest of us, it takes patience, struggle and some very cautious changes in our hair care routine. Just because it all depends on the nature of human hair as some get long hair in a very short time while some have to wait for a year or more to get long and healthy hair. But sometimes our hair growth is restrained due to insufficient nourishment and hair damage.
People especially women experience a lot of unusual hair treatments and use chemical leached hair products in order to get longer hair but fail to grow hair. In results, they face problems such as hair loss and damage as well. So without taking any risk, what can we do simply to increase the pace of our hair growth?
Ladies! Get rid of such expensive chemical hair products, and say hello to natural therapies. That can be done at home easily without any doctor’s consultation. Going natural is really a perfect solution for your all hair problems since it doesn’t have any side effects and its results are long-lasting. Don’t need to worry anymore as I’m sharing some of best tips that will surely help you in growing your short and damaged hair fast. Are you yearning for long lustrous hair? Follow the below steps to get longer and thicker hair naturally.
Eat Healthy Diet

Taking healthy diet is most important if you want to grow your hair fast. As the foundation of human hair is protein so it needs a lot of it in order to get longer and shiny hair as well. It doesn’t mean you have to eat only meat in your food but to take such food that is richer in protein. If you’re a meat eater, then it would be great for your hair growth or if you’re a vegetarian then leafy vegetables can be beneficial for your hair. Besides that, including a plenty of water in your diet is just perfect. Eat right food, more protein and a lot of water.
Get Frequent Hair Trims

Get your hair trimmed about once every three months just because to get fresh and healthy hair. It’s necessary to get the damaged bits cut off; otherwise, you’ll end up with long hair with split ends. While haircuts don’t make your hair grow quicker, but they get rid of split ends that break your hair. After all, split ends lead to your hair losing length plus diminishes the shine, smoothness, and volume as well.
Oil Massage and Egg Mask

Do oil massage and apply egg mask on weekly basis. Hot massage of almond oil or coconut oil is just best to get longer healthy hair as coconut oil has deep conditioning power while almond oil gives an extra shiny look to your dry hair. After massaging, keep your hair braided for 5 to 6 hours. So that you may get a refined look after hair wash. You can also use warm olive oil, cinnamon, and honey. You can also prepare an egg mast at home that helps your hair grow faster.
Keep Your Scalp Healthy

Massaging your scalp with hand fingers helps in better circulation of blood that leads to a definite hair growth. Do this for about 10 minutes to stimulate blood flow. And an increased blood flow will obviously mean an increase in the number of nutrients, which will increase hair growth. A regular exercise will also increase blood flow to your head as it upsurges blood flow around your body. Dry brushing your body specifically before sleep is another good way to improve blood circulation.
Say Goodbye to Stress

Taking stress on little worthless things can affect your hair growth. Your hair starts falling when you take stress or depression. So stress leads to hair loss and decreases the speed of hair growth as well. If you cannot avoid things then try to get yourself busy in listening songs, watching movies or you can also do some home-based exercises.
Get Plenty of Sleep

In order to get long hair, you have to take a proper sleep at night. A minimum sleep of eight hours is necessary. Our growth hormones get active while sleeping so taking a good sleep help to get long hair easy and fast. So try to sleep a minimum of 7 to 8 hours and never sleep with tight braid or ponytail as it bounces your hair and leads to hair loss and head pain as well. If you don’t get enough sleep then your body won’t have enough time to focus on hair growth. Try to sleep on the silk pillow but most importantly take a good night sleep not only for just your hair improvement but for all body relaxation as well.