Periods on their own are a huge problem but with added mood swings they can be super annoying. Are you one of those girls who face mood swings during the periods and find them super annoying? But at the same time, you have no idea what to do about it? You don’t have to worry, you are not alone! Every single one of us faces the same issues every single month. However, here are some of the tips which you can follow. These definitely work out for me, hopefully, they will for you too.
1. Eat whatever you are craving:

During mood swings, you get unusual food cravings. If you really want to control the mood swings, then you should order whatever you are craving RIGHT AWAY. Not eating what you actually craving and wanting to eat, can aggravate the mood swings, and who wants that right? Whether you are craving a Big Mac from McDonald’s or Spicy hot wings from KFC, order it immediately before the craving takes control of your mind.
2. Take some time-off from work:

I really believe that we women should get some time off from work when it’s that time of the month. Men probably think that we eventually get used to it, but we know that is not the case. One can never get used to your ‘that area’ bleeding every month. So, girl, I would suggest you take some time off from work if you feel like you really need a break. A day or two would be fine. Relax all day in your pajamas, watch Netflix or YouTube and take care of your diet.
3. Exercise daily:

Though you should incorporate exercise in your daily routine if you are unable to do it then at least try to exercise when you are on your periods. It is better than just sitting idle and waiting for the mood swings to go on their own. It will help you out in overcoming laziness and will also help with cramps.
4. Do not take stress:

This is one thing which you do not want to do when you are on your period. You want to make sure that you are managing your stress and you are not taking anything and everything too seriously. You really want to focus your energy on positive things like reading, cooking, baking, or even scrolling endlessly on your phone. Whatever are your preferences, you should definitely do that.
Periods are a roller coaster full of emotions that bring along with them irritability, anger, depression, crying, laughter and so many memories which some of the times we don’t even want to remember. The best thing which we girls could do is, just be ourselves and surround ourselves with all the things that we love. There is no room for negative thoughts or negative people especially during our ‘this time. And don’t ever forget that you are special. Cheers and have a nice day my lovely Ladies!