No beating about the bush! If you want to add years in your lifespan, then follow the below mentioned genuine tips derived from Japanese culture. Now, you will be thinking that why JAPANESE? When you google it up, the screen in front of you will be teemed with the answers that Japanese are the only people that live longer than other nations all around the world. The reason is their healthy lifestyle specifically their diet. Here are some of the tips that you should be adding in your life style to live longer.
Seafood―see food in a different way!
Eat lots of fish. A diet rich in omega-3 may add years to your lifespan. The people with high level of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood live two years longer than those with lower blood level. And where will you get this omega-3 naturally―in tuna, trout, mackerel, salmon etc. Japanese consumes 3-4 ounce fish daily. And what it cost them―27% reduced overall death risk and 35% lower risk of dying from heart disease. Similarly, they have made seaweed their staple food. Seaweed contain a sufficient amount of iodine which ultimately add half year in their lives.
Fizzy drinks―fizzy life!
The average lifespan in japan is 83.6 years. American culture is quite fond of soft drinks. They have a very bad habit of consuming cold drinks while eating. You will see every 6th person at the subway holding a sandwich in one hand and gulping a fizzy drink in an instance. Studies have shown that people who avoid carbonated drinks live 2-3 years longer than those who consume them daily.
Green Tea―you mean 2 more years!
Japanese are among the top five nations that consume tea the most. When tea is mentioned in Japan it always means Green tea. Tea is not only tasty but is beneficial in many ways. Japanese drink five cups of green tea every day. How it benefits them? By reducing mortality rate up to 26%. Add herbal tea in your daily routine and augment two years in your life.
Fruits―a fruitful life!
Though it sounds a cliché now―an apple a day keeps the doctor away―but it is the ultimate reality. The antioxidants in fruits not only give you healthy life but also provide you a fresh and bright face. Add up to five servings of fruits in your daily diet and you will get 26% lower risk of getting stroke.
Exercise―hustle for the muscle!
Give your body 20 minutes every morning. Now if I tell you that how many years would be added in your life by jogging 17 minutes every morning, you will be stunned. So, jogging can add up to 9 years to your life span. Wow! 9 years! Improve your outlook and save your life. Those you are used to exercise 2 hours a week are 61% less likely to fell depression and this will indirectly enhance your health condition.
Sit less and be more active!
By just standing more during the day you will increase the telomere length in your cells. The longer the telomere length, the longer lifespan.
White sugar―white poison!
Are you planning to eat chocolate rich sundae tonight? You are making a grave mistake. Not every night is dessert night. The biggest mistake we made is to eat sweet dish after meal. There is a trend in America to eat desserts after food. But if you want to live longer and healthy, avoid it as much as you can. Japanese have the least intake of sucrose. They usually prefer fruits over other sweet dishes. Favour fructose over sucrose.
Squat daily―just leave the car alone!
Historically speaking, people living in Asia are more active than Americans. They prefer to walk instead of travel on vehicles. Walking at an average keeps you healthy and active giving many years to your life. Prefer to walk and live actively.
Veg more―meat less!
Adding vegetables to your daily diet means adding life. Japanese use a lot of herbs and spices like: thyme, paprika, oregano, rosemary, garlic, cinnamon, clove etc. these spices have anti-microbial activity and protect you from infections. The herbs maintain your blood pressure and circulation. Want to live more? Live pure.
Adopt these tips from now one and add 10 more years in your lifespan. Remember, keep a balance in your diet. Too much of anything gives you nothing.